If you are merely overweight or morbidly obese, then you must do everything within your power to lose the excess fats to enjoy life. If you are wondering how you managed to become so thick when you were as thin as a Celine Dion a few years ago, join me as I reveal the simple things you’ve always ignored which are the real reasons for your weight problems.
You became overweight because too many people want you to overeat. As you are aware, your lifestyle plays a big part in your being overweight. Unintentionally subjection of oneself to friends, associates, families, and acquaintances to motivate you to over-eat especially with the wrong foods. Being persuaded or canvassed to eat out and offered varieties of sugary dainties and fries. The ice creams, carbonated drinks, pastries, steaks, beers, and what have you could be simply irresistible especially when you are in the midst of other people who don’t practically care about healthy foods. The same supposed lovely people makes you eat to stupor at birthdays, funeral parties, weddings, and many other social events. Well, it’s not that they have any sinister plot against you. In fact, they are always pleased when they see you grow larger and they offer many flattering compliments like “you are looking big. Oh! You are looking great”. Truly, you are only looking big, not most of the time great.

There’s another culprit and that is the modern food industry. Billions of dollars are spent every year on foods, drinks, and snacks that our bodies don’t need. We accumulate fat on foods surplus to requirements, and in turn, the food industries make profits from those gigantic mountains of unnecessary calories that are available on the shelves. Obviously, the food industries do not want us to be healthy and they care not if we suffer cardiovascular diseases or diabetes too as long as they are declaring mouth-watering profits for their shareholders. Therefore, they aren’t sitting there idly hoping that we will eat and fill their profit coffers. They are permanently busy persuading us to buy and eat. We are being persuaded through advertisements via all the social and traditional media and in more subtle ways such as sponsorships and the sheer size of the foods produced packages (multi-packs, extra-packs, etc.). In addition, the food industries want us to buy, buy, and keep buying in many other ways. As every food addict knows, if it is bought, you eat it, not because you need it but because it is there.
Some twenty years ago, virtually all the carbonated drinks in the country were bottled in 25cl bottles. These companies spent and are still spending fortunes on advertisements and hiring brand ambassadors from the music and sports industries to catch the youths. In 2020, despite the damage these drinks have caused to our people and the attendant health risks associated with over consumption of these fizzy drinks, one would think the manufacturers would reduce the volume per bottle sold to the public. No! Instead, we now have 50cl bottles and even 1 ltr bottles. We are now encouraged to drinking more. Our people are now drastically becoming overweight than we were twenty years ago.
© Idowu Olawale M
Noble Prestige Nutritionals
Tel/Whatsapp: 08158777524
Email: id.olawalemichael@gmail.com